
Contact Details

Email: info@kioka.life

Phone: +31683575873


Regular 2050 EUR
Repeater (limited spaces)1600 EUR
Combination Level 1 + 2 (discount of 200 EUR)3900 EUR



* Cost of food and accommodation is included in the fees.
* A deposit of 500 EUR should be paid in order to reserve your spot.
* Remaining balance should be paid before February 15, 2024. 

* In case of a force majeure from your side before February 15, 2024, an admin fee of 200 EUR will be applied and is non-refundable. Any paid amount other than this will be refunded.

* In case of a force majeure from your side on or after February 15, 2024, the deposit of 500 EUR will be non-refundable and any paid amount other than the deposit will be refunded.

Below's conditions will be accepted as force majeure:
* Death or documented severe disease of first or second degree relatives.
* Documented severe disease of the participant.

Below's conditions will not be accepted as force majeure:
* Cancellation of flights or other means of transport.
* Anything other than specified force majeure conditions above.

* In case a training is cancelled by the organizer, any paid amount will be refunded excluding bank charges.

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