
Contact Details

Email: ista-germany@gmx.de

Phone: +491728270702


Click here to Register

To register please follow the steps on the registration page:



Regular 2000 EUR
Repeater ((limited spaces))1600 EUR
Assistant ((only for ISTA L2 grads, on approval))1000 EUR
Combination Level 1 + 2 3800 EUR


payment includes:

  • Full days of transformational process and teachings

  • All the training experiences and supplies 

  • All nights of accommodation from start to end in a shared room (longer stay, early arrival and upgrade to a private room are possible with additional costs - please inquire) 

  • Three full vegan meals per day cooked with organic and mainly regional products

  • Unlimited tea, coffee and purified or fresh spring water 24/7 

Tuition excludes any incurred costs getting to and away from the venue and additional purchases made at the retreat.

A commitment to the spiritual sexual shamanic training is a deep commitment to yourself. It is assumed that, if you feel drawn to this training, it is no accident. If for some reason you become unable to attend the training, a €250 admin fee will be withheld and is non-refundable in any case, up until 30 days before the event.

Once the 30 days before the training have passed, the total deposit of €400 is non-refundable. Other paid amounts will be refunded (exclusive any transaction fees).

If you cancel with less than 15 days before the start date of training, NO REFUNDS will be issued.

In case you decide to leave the training, there is no refund applicable.

In the case the training is cancelled by the organizer, any amount you paid will be refunded (excluding the bank charges)

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