

Regular 1750 EUR
Super early bird (For first 6)1450 EUR
Early bird (For 6)1550 EUR
Repeater 1350 EUR
Assistant 950 EUR



Special rates apply for Turkish citizens and residents. Please contact us for details.


* A deposit of 400 EUR should be paid in order to reserve your seat.

* Balance should be paid until October 21, 2022. Otherwise, you may not be accepted to the training and the deposit will be non-refundable.

* You may be asked to take PCR and/or rapid antigen tests in order to participate in the training. If you reject taking those tests, it will be considered that you decided not to participate in the training.


* In case of a force majeure from your side before October 21, 2022, your deposit can be transferred to any ISTA training worldwide. This transfer should take place in maximum 3 months after the end date of the training. Otherwise, the deposit will be recorded as revenue.

* In case of a force majeure from your side on or after October 21, 2022 (including the cases occurred during the training), the deposit will be non-refundable and any paid amount other than the deposit will be refunded.

* In the case that you decide not to participate before the training starts, the deposit will be non-refundable and any paid amount other than the deposit will be refunded.

* In the case that you decide to leave the training, there is no refund applicable.

* In the case that the training is cancelled by the organizer, any amount you paid will be refunded excluding the bank charges.


Below conditions will be accepted as force majeure:

* Death or documented severe disease of first or second degree relatives.

* Documented severe disease of the participant.

* Country of the participant closing the borders for the participant.

* Turkey closing the borders for the participant. This does not include issues related to entry visa.

* A positive Covid19 test result of the participant within 1 month before the start date of the training.

Below conditions will NOT be accepted as Force Majeure:

* Country of the participant requiring quarantine when the participant comes back.

* Cancellation of flights or other means of transport.

* Anything other than specified force majeure conditions above.

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