Special rates apply for icelandic citizens and residents.
* Welcome to pay full payment at once. Or a deposit of 500 EUR should be paid in order to reserve your seat.
* Balance is due. Otherwise, you may not be accepted to the training and the deposit is non-refundable.
* The registration fee is non-refundable.
* Once 30 days before the training have passed, the total paid fee is non-refundable.
* In the case that you decide not to participate before the training starts, you may transfer your paid fee to another ISTA training withinn a year. Registration fee and admin fee are non-refundable.
* In the case that you decide to leave the training, there is no refund applicable.
* In the case that the training is cancelled by the organizer, any amount you paid will be refunded excluding the bank charges.
* In the case that you decide to leave the training, there is no refund applicable.
* In the case that the training is cancelled by the organizer, any amount you paid will be refunded excluding the bank charges.
Below conditions will be accepted as force majeure:
* Death or documented severe disease of first or second degree relatives.
* Documented severe disease of the participant.
* Country of the participant closing the borders for the participant.
* Iceland closing the borders for the participant. This does not include issues related to entry visa.
Below conditions will NOT be accepted as Force Majeure:
* Country of the participant requiring quarantine when the participant comes back.
* Cancellation of flights or other means of transport.
* Anything other than specified force majeure conditions above.