

Click here to Register

To register, please complete the following simple, two-step registration process

Step 1. Pay a deposit of €500 to secure a place. You can pay the deposit using the details below. 

Revolut Euro Account - Beneficiary: Dolores Antić IBAN: LT62 3250 0411 4016 9058 BIC: REVOLT21

Step 2. Pay accommodation directly to the Hotel, choosing the best option for yourself. USING THIS LINK.

Use this link if you are booking for SINGLE or a COUPLE accommodation type. Make sure to choose the right dates and number of guests.

In the overall fee of the Training the SHARING accommodation is included, which you can book for emailing the organiser. If you are booking as a SINGLE there is an extra cost to be paid.

Thank you for your patience & understanding. 


Early bird (SOLD OUT!)1700 EUR
Residents (SOLD OUT!)1400 EUR
Regular 1850 EUR
Assistant 1100 EUR
Repeater (SOLD OUT!)1500 EUR


**Prices above include accommodation and food**

Cancellation & Refund policy

A commitment to the Spiritual Sexual Shamanic Experience is a deep commitment to yourself. It is assumed that, if you feel drawn to this event, it is no accident.

A Note about Booking Level 1 & Level 2 together

If you have booked on to Level 1 & Level 2 together, therefore going directly from Level 1 to Level 2 in the majority of cases this flows well for individuals. In rare, extenuating cases, it may not be appropriate for you to attend the Level 2 directly after the Level 1. This would be the call of the facilitating team and you would be offered a full refund (minus bank transfer charges).

A commitment to the spiritual sexual shamanic training is a deep commitment to yourself. It is assumed that, if you feel drawn to this training, it is no accident.

If for some reason you become unable to attend, a 150 admin fee will be withheld and are non-refundable in any case, up until 30 days before the event.

30 days before the Training, the total deposit of €500 is non-refundable.

You will be entitled for a full refund if we decide to cancel the training for any reason, or if you are unable to attend due to a case of confirmed or suspected COVID-19 case.

Below you will find the Cancellation and Refund Policy regarding Covid related issues, and special cases were a full refund applies, here are some FAQs:

1. Will I get a full refund if my country requires me to get into quarantine when coming back and therefore I decide to cancel my participation? NO.

2. Will I get a full refund If the Airline cancels my ticket or my flight? NO.

3. Will I get a full refund if my country's borders are closed? YES.

4. Will I get a full refund if Croatian borders are closed? YES.

5. Will I get a refund if I have a positive Covid test? YES.

6. Will I get a refund If the training is cancelled by ISTA for whatever reason? YES.

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