Contact Details


Phone: +52 963 140 4505


Click here to Register

Prices include:

  • All the training experiences and supplies 
  • Luxury accommodation in a shared room at our beautiful eco-resort, all with lounge/salon area and A/C
  • Three full deluxe meals per day
  • Large natural swimming pool and nudism-friendly relax area
  • Private natural cenote (water cave) at the resort
  • Beautiful gardens, hammocks, and cozy shaded or full sun sitting areas
  • Unlimited tea, coffee and purified water service at 24/7 beverage bar

Not Included:

  • Travel to and from Mexico
  • Domestic transport to and from venue (shared shuttle or private transport available)
  • Travel insurance


Regular 2500 USD
Early bird (sold out)2200 USD
Repeater 2000 USD
Nationals (4 available)1800 USD
Assistant 1300 USD


Refund and Payment Policy:

A commitment to the Spiritual Sexual Shamanic Initiation is a deep commitment to yourself. It is assumed that, if you feel drawn to this training, it is no accident. A US$ 450 deposit secures your place. The remaining balance is due 5 weeks before starting date of the training (February 25th, 2023). If for some reason you become unable to attend, a $150 admin fee will be withheld and is nonrefundable in any case, up until 7 weeks before the start of the event (February 11th, 2023, 2022). If you cancel closer than 7 weeks before starting date, the US$ 450 deposit will be withheld and is nonrefundable. If you cancel closer than 2 weeks before the starting date (March 18th, 2023), 50% of the total price will be withheld, unless in exceptional circumstances.


Covid cancellation & Refund policy FAQ:

Will I get a refund if the airline cancels my ticket or my flight?

** No. We encourage you to make travel arrangements that don't put you under a lot of stress so that any unforeseen travel circumstances on the way to or in Mexico can be managed.

Will I get a refund if the Mexican borders close?

** Yes, minus a US$ 150 administrative fee.

Will I get a refund if my home country's borders close?

** Yes, minus a US$ 150 administrative fee.

Will I get a refund if my home country requires me to go into quarantine when coming back and therefore I decide to cancel my participation?

** No, this is not our responsibility.

Will I get a refund if I get Covid and I'm unable to travel or join the training?

** If we are able to find someone to replace you in time you receive a full refund minus a US$ 150 admin fee. We require a traceable PCR test result (from a lab with QR code). If we are unable to find someone to replace you in time we have to charge any nonrefundable accommodation costs paid to the venue by us, which may sum up to $1000 US.


Health Awareness Guidelines for the Training:

Adapting to the changing global conditions around the coronavirus pandemic we decided to update our previous Covid testing policy to Health awareness guidelines. In order to care for the powerful work this training offers, the health awareness policy is outlined below.

A requirement of the training is to read carefully the following points and contact us in case of doubts or questions:

Please be aware you are coming into a group situation where you will be in close proximity to people. We ask that you limit your contact with large groups of people the week before the training commences.

Limit your social contact the week before the training.

Keep a safe distance from people with Covid, and contagious colds or the flu, and boost your immune system with good eating, rest and immune supporting supplements.

If you have flu symptoms you are self responsible about testing for Covid, and in consideration of others do not arrive at the training with Covid or any other flu. We will aim to offer you a full refund or the maximum amount possible if any costs incurred can't be reclaimed by us. A traceable test result from a lab (with QR-code) will be required to offer any refunds.


You can reserve directly by paying the $450 USD deposit through the website.

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